ECOSYS is a fully portable quadrupole mass spectrometer. Using modern technology in the field of QMS comprising a full laboratory instrumentation obtained device with excellent performance and flexibility. Thanks to miniaturization achieved small size of the system, while maintaining a very high functional capacity. ECOSYS system is designed - inter alia - to work in the field, it is equipped with a battery that allows continuous work up to 8 hours; appropriate, easy-to-use software system that allows to perform a full quantitative analysis and monitoring of up to 64 species in real time.
ECOSYS The mass spectrometer is based on the EIS technology (Enclosed Ion Source), which greatly increases the scope of the received signal and can increase the sensitivity of measurement (detection at the level of ppm). ECOSYS has an option to evaluate the data based on the spectra library NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) allows the user to identify unknown compounds.