Peristaltic pump filling system DF600 and CF600 are integrated dispensing systems consisting of several interconnected units controlled by a one touch screen. Peristaltic filling systems may be present in two types: 

1) CF600 - peristaltic pump - Split Type Filling System for laboratory applications.
Consists of a controller and multi separate filling unit. You can add or decrease filling units according with different request, or working with same filling volume on different working station. One controller can control 16 filling units. The controller use 4.3 inch color touch screen, graphical interface, dynamic display the working state, display the filling parameter and system setting. Suitable for non-pollution and high precision liquid filing.

2) DF600 -this is high precision peristaltic pump integrated filling system.  The precision is 0.5%-1%. Color touch-screen control, graphical interfaces, dynamic display filling status, filling parametric and system settings display in the same screen. The filling system suitable for pollution-free, high-precision liquid filling.

Published in Peristaltic pumps

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