Autosamplers HTA

Autosamplers HTA (3)

HTA autosamplers wszysttkimi are compatible with commercially available gas chromatograph GC and GC-MS systems, for ex. Agilent, Bruker, DPS, DANI, Pelkin Elmer, Shimadzu, and many others. Due to the customized interface are suitable for the elderly as well as the latest versions of chromatographs. Depending on the construction of the chromatograph are in configuration to the right or left-hand side.

The use of the autosampler in chromatographic analysis significantly reduces the time needed for analysis, provides better repeatability and significantly improves performance in the laboratory. Each sample is dispensed at the same time, each subsequent sample injection is identical - eliminates human error. Parameters such as sampling rate, speed and depth dosing are programmable.

Autosamplers are available in either a classic for dispensing liquid samples, Version headspace sampling gas from the headspace and as autosamlers "all in one" connecting the SPME technique, headspace and liquid in one device.

GC Autosampler "all in one" model HT2800T is a unique dispenser samples HTA's compact design, designed both to dispense liquid samples (Automatic Liquid Sampler ALS), dispensing samples of headspace gas…
GC autosamplers sampling gas samples from smaller diameter phase in the headspace technique that allows for the analysis of organic compounds hard-volatile. Automatic dispensers HTA's headspace samples are available in…
Classic GC autosampler to dispense liquid samples available in two versions: with 121 vials feeder (HT3000) or less for 15 vials (HT3100A). Parameter setting and control of the system via…

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