Children categories

Biological microscopes

Biological microscopes

Biological microscopes are widely used for observation of plant material, animal organic. The applications are unlimited - lessons in schools, student experiments, medical research and clinical or laboratory tests. Among microscopes proposed by us can find models of both uncomplicated and microscopes for researchers to conduct advanced research.

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Digital microscopes

Digital microscopes

Digital microscope not only uses optics but also a CCD camera to view a digital image of the sample on the embedded or external monitor. Digital microscopes are able to display a clear and vivid picture of even the smallest samples. Used in laboratory studies in various fields, including medicine, biology and chemistry.

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Metallurgical microscopes

Metallurgical microscopes

Microscopes used for research opaque samples. Among metallographic microscopes are microscopes using light and electron microscopes. Thanks to metallographic microscopes observation can be performed on a number of metal cracks, fractures, etc. Allows f. eg. detection microcracks, calculation phase share, and the observation of inclusions and a number of other important from the viewpoint of metallurgy material properties.

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