Spectrophotometers UV-VIS

Spectrophotometers UV-VIS (7)

Spectrophotometry in the UV-VIS is one of the oldest methods of instrumental chemical analysis. There are two ranges of light: ultraviolet range - UV and visible light - the VIS. UV-VIS spectrophotometers are widely used in analytical chemistry, medicine, biology and research. Determination of the concentration of analyte is obtained by measuring the absorbance of the solution containing the analyte.

Spectrophotometers generally can be divided because of the construction: single beam spectrophotometers in which the light beam first passes through the reference sample, and then after replacing the cuvette, through sample to be tested and double beam spectrophotometer in which the beam is divided by the system into two identical beams passing parallel through reference sample and the test solution.

Spectrophotometer UV-2100 is a double beam UV-VIS spectrophotometer with fully automated scanning system. It allows scanning variable wavelength (Wavelength scan). It is possible to scan measurement intervals in each range…
Spectrophotometer UV-2601 is a double beam UV-VIS spectrometer which combines high accuracy and reliability of measurements for various applications. It can be widely used for qualitative and quantitative analysis in…
UV-1601 Spectrophotometer is a single beam UV-VIS monitoring system with split beam that provides accurate measurements and increases the stability of the baseline. With a wide range of wavelength spectrophotometer…
Spectrophotometer UV-1800 is a versatile, universal UV-VIS spectrophotometer with scanning capabilities. It can be used in medical research, environmental monitoring, testing the quality of various products including food, in agro…
Spectrophotometer UV-9200 is a microprocessor controlled single beam, basic model of a UV-VIS spectrophotometer. It has a LCD display 16 × 2 and function of automatic setting of zero and…
Spectrophotometer VIS-7220G is a single beam, microprocessor-controlled VIS spectrometer, equipped with an LCD display 16 × 2. It features function of automatic setting of zero and 100%T. The calibration curve…
Spectrophotometer VIS-723G is a single beam VIS spectrophotometer scanning across the wavelength range 320-1100 nm (visible light). There are three options for spectral bandwidth selection: 5 nm, 2 nm and…

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