Vertical crushing machine

Vertical crushing machine (2)

The vertical crushing machines uses the traditional grinding method to break the sample. Products crushed using a crushing mashine having a diameter greater than 1 mm. Laboratory crushers are designed mainly for grinding small portion of hard, medium hard and and brittle materials. Suitable for fine grinding and coarse crushing. Not to be used with wet, greasy, sticky, fibre rich materials.

We offer three types of crushers CCM series: CCM-20, CCM-15, CCM-10 and leading coming air grinder with cooling system- CGM-20.

It’s designed to use the centrifugal force of the motors tungsten carbide blade to achieve high crushing efficiency. Input volume is adjustable. It is suitable for laboratory purpose.

Vertical crushing machine CGM-20 with cooling air system and high speed rotation. Dedicated for mineral, fiber and adhesive substances. Wind is used to cool the grinder for continuous operation. Time…
Vertical crushing machine CCM series uses the traditional grinding method to break the sample. It’s designed to use the centrifugal force of the motors tungsten carbide blade to achieve high crushing…

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