Children categories

Laboratory ball mill

Laboratory ball mill

Laboratory ball mills are designed to crushing medium, hard and soft powdery materials to powder. Ball mills depending on the number of rolls can be equipped with two rotating rollers (double roll mills), three rolls (3-roller mills), etc., or depending on the number of sample processing stations: one post (single station ball mills), two position (double work stations mills) and more positionss (multi work station ball mills). Various kinds of different…

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Cutting mills

Cutting mills

Cutting mills are used for crushing medium-hard, soft, fibrous and elastic materials- as case CM series cutting mills or for cutting very hard and dry materials- in the case like on cutting mills SM and KM series. Laboratory cutting mills are equipped with knives, so that the sample in a short time is ground to the consistency of flour.

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Vertical crushing machine

Vertical crushing machine

The vertical crushing machines uses the traditional grinding method to break the sample. Products crushed using a crushing mashine having a diameter greater than 1 mm. Laboratory crushers are designed mainly for grinding small portion of hard, medium hard and and brittle materials. Suitable for fine grinding and coarse crushing. Not to be used with wet, greasy, sticky, fibre rich materials. We offer three types of crushers CCM series: CCM-20,…

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