Freezing point analyser for milk

Freezing point analyzer for milk CRY-8 is a modern digital analyzer that is used to identify presence of extraneous water in milk and milk products. Determination of freezing point of sample provides us information about its water content. Any falsification of milk with water will raise its freezing point temperature > -0,512 °C. The CRY-8 complies fully with the international standard ISO 5764/2002(E), IDF 108/2002(E) “Milk” - Determination of Freezing Point – Thermistor Cryoscope Method (Reference Method) and Annex C without the necessity to correct the results to the reference method. This analyzer is simple to operate, as it only requires a single-point calibration with distilled water and after samples are inserted into measuring position the device automatically perform measurements. Thanks to small weight and dimensions and big resistance to vibration and hard working conditions (humidity max. 85%, ambient temp. 36°C), CRY-8 can be used in both stationary and field applications.

Additional Info

Technical specifications:
Model CRY-8 
Sample volume 100 µl
Measurement range from below -0,512°C (pure milk) to -0,527°C
Resolution ± 0,001°C
Accuracy ± 0,002°C
Repetability ± 0,002°C
Measuring time 1.5 min.
Time of operating readiness 5 min.
Power 230V 50-60Hz
Dimensions 300x200x170 (290) mm
Weight 6 kg
More in this category: « Milk collecting center

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