Gas chromatograph DPS Companion

The Companion GC is a portable gas chromatograph utilizing the same modular plug and play components, that are found in full size laboratory GC DPS 600. The performance of the Companion GC has not been compromised because of it's small size.

The DPS Companion GC System are a new breed of GC. They are the first portable GC, where you can select 1 of 5 avaible detectors, allowing you to do more work in the field than ever before. From environmental to forensic, and Homeland security to military applications.The intelligence of the DPS Companion GC Systems are locked safely in microprocessors, where our proprietary Digital Sample Processing routines control the temperatures and gas pressures to tighter specifications than ever before.

Additional Info

Model: DPS Companion Gas Chromatograph
Detector: The ability to install from 1 to 2 detectors of the available: - FID: Flame Ionization Detector (100 pg detection limit); - PID: Photoionization Detector (10 pg detection limit); - HID: Helium Ionization Detector (100 pg detection limit); - NPD: Nitrogen Phosphorus Detector (20 pg detection limit); - TID: Thermoionic Detector (20 pg detection limit); - BCD: Bromine Chlorine Detector (10 pg detection limit); - FPD: Flame Photometric Detector (10 ng sulphur, 10 pg phospohorus detection limit).
Pressure control: up to 2 electronic pressure controlers for atmospheric pressure and temperature compensation. EPC pressure control with 0,1 kPa set point resolution.
Injector: 1 or 2 installed Split/Splitless modified and non-heated for gas samples cool on-column injector multiple pressure ramps with 0,1 kPa set-point resolution up to 2 control solenoids
Temperature range: Ambient temperature up to 325 ° C
Heating: up to 80oC per/min. oven ramp
Communication and control: Control via a color touch screen
Data transmittion: Dwukierunkowa komunikacja z systemem danych Cyfrowe sygnały wyjściowe poprzez złącze USB
Software: PeakSimple analysis software available as an option
Weight: approx. 18 kg (version 1 detector), about 28 kg (version 2 detectors)
Dismensions: Water tight carrying case 52 x 40 x 21 cm
Optional equipment: Headspace integrated hub. Vialki automatically heated and maintained at a constant temperature. Transfer's short line eliminates the need for heat transfer path during sampling. Type air compressor "ultra-quiet" and gas connection kits

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