Colorimeter NR110

Differential colorimeter NR110 is a portable device with a vertical design and small aperture measurement (4mm), ideal for the measurement of color difference between the reference sample and test on small areas. It has a large color display that shows the measured values (in the Lab color space). The result is also presented in graphical form. Equipped with a USB connector can be connected to a computer. Supplied with software enabling reporting and recording the results. It is characterized by high efficiency, low operating costs and ergonomic design.

It has two interchangeable aperture 4mm: with and without cross-pointer indicator.

Additional Info

Technical specification:


Model  NR110
The lighting/measurement system  8°/d, SCI
Detector Silicon photodiode
Measuring aperture Φ4mm 
Illuminant D65
Measurement functions CIEL*a*b*C*h* CIEL*a*b* ; CIEXYZ; △E*ab △L*a*b* △E*C*h* 
Repeatability Measurement conditions: White calibration plate measured 30 times, after the white calibration standard deviation △ E * ab 0.08
Conformity between instruments ≤0.80ΔE*ab 
Measurement memory 100 measurement standards, 20 000 measurements of samples 
Power source Battery: 3.7V 3200mAh Li-ion battery, AC power cord 
Dimensions and weight 205×67×80mm, 450g 
Working conditions 0 ° C - 40 ° C, relative humidity of 80% or less (at 35 ° C) 
Additional information  It has the ability to connect to computer using the USB connector, supplied with the software,
a white calibration plate, carry case
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