Metallurgical microscopes

Metallurgical microscopes (5)

Microscopes used for research opaque samples. Among metallographic microscopes are microscopes using light and electron microscopes. Thanks to metallographic microscopes observation can be performed on a number of metal cracks, fractures, etc. Allows f. eg. detection microcracks, calculation phase share, and the observation of inclusions and a number of other important from the viewpoint of metallurgy material properties.

The optics of XJM400 series inverted metallurgical microscope provide flat, sharp, and brilliantly clear images while achieving longer working distances. Developed for bright field and simple polarizing observation, and designed…
The XJM100 series upright metallurgical microscope is capable of reflected and transmitted light enables application on both crystal and opaque samples. The mature ICOS adopts in XJM100 series ensures the…
XJM200 inverted metallurgical microscope is equipped with bright and dark field microscope, with excellent infinity optical system, can achieve polarization, dark field image. Compact and steady body is supported with…
The advanced upright reflected and transmitted light metallurgical microscope XJM600 series is a comprehensive model with multiple applications such as bright and dark field, DIC, polarizing observations, etc. Aimed at…
KOZO's new but still cost-efficiency upright metallurgical microscope XJM900 series is designed with a modular concept allowing user customization depending on your particular task, which accepts a variety of attachments…

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