XRF spectrometer Genius-IF first desktop EDXRF spectrometer with secondary reflections filters, is a combination of high-quality XRF measurements and economics at elemental analysis. This spectrometer provides a non-destructive qualitative and…
XRF spectrometer EDX3000 PLUS is the latest model of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer EDXRF, designed specifically for non-destructive analysis of alloys and products made of precious metals. It has…
Spectrometer XRF EDX3600H is a energy dispersive laboratory X-ray fluorescence spectrometer EDXRF intended for elemental analysis in full scope. The advantage of the device in addition to the thermoelectric cooled…
The GC-MS analysis 6800 is the latest product of Skyray Instruments combines high performance and quality analysis, and an attractive price and low operating costs. It uses modern solutions used…
XRF spectrometer X-Calibur from company Xenemetrix is an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer EDXRF with high-power X-ray tube and compact construction. The analyzer offers high performance measurements and high resolution detector. The…
The Companion GC is a portable gas chromatograph utilizing the same modular plug and play components, that are found in full size laboratory GC DPS 600. The performance of the…
Chromatography, technique for separating the components, or solutes, of a mixture on the basis of the relative amounts of each solute distributed between a moving fluid stream, called the mobile phase, and a contiguous stationary phase. The mobile phase may be either a liquid or a gas, while the stationary phase is either a solid or a liquid. Kinetic molecular motion continuously exchanges solute molecules between the two phases. If,…
View items...Atomic absorption spectrometry (abbreviated as AAS) is a technology used for the analytical determination of trace amounts of chemical elements, mainly metals in samples of solid, liquid and gas. AAS spectrometers are widely used for the determination of heavy metals, eg. in the soil, sewage This technology uses the fact that the atoms in the ground state can absorb radiation at a specific wavelength of the wave. Atoms are usually…
View items...Infrared absorption spectrophotometry - spectrophotometry IR spectroscopy is a technique in which infrared radiation is used, which results in obtaining vibrational spectra - IR spectrum. The use of the Fourier transform (FT-IR) in traditional IR spectroscopes further increased the sensitivity of the measurement and provided a favorable resolving power. This technique is helpful in determining the functional groups present in the analyzed compound. The principle is based on the fact…
View items...S-OES spectrometers also called spark spectrometers employ an optical method of emission spectrometry with spark excitation. They are designed for accurate analysis multi-elemental metal alloys and their precise identification. Thanks to calibration libraries dedicated to specific groups of alloys measurements are much more accurate. Most calibration database includes various types of steel such as carbon steel, low-alloy steels, structural, stainless steel and others as well as other metals alloys: aluminum…
View items...Spectrophotometry in the UV-VIS is one of the oldest methods of instrumental chemical analysis. There are two ranges of light: ultraviolet range - UV and visible light - the VIS. UV-VIS spectrophotometers are widely used in analytical chemistry, medicine, biology and research. Determination of the concentration of analyte is obtained by measuring the absorbance of the solution containing the analyte. Spectrophotometers generally can be divided because of the construction: single…
View items...Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (EDXRF) is used for accurate and non-destructive analysis of certain elements in a given sample. When a wave of light energy (X-ray or photon) is absorbed by an atom, electrons from the inner shells are ejected, and their place are occupied by the outer orbital electrons. The energy emitted during this transition is in the form of secondary X-ray radiation (fluorescence). Each element has its characteristic…
View items...HTA autosamplers wszysttkimi are compatible with commercially available gas chromatograph GC and GC-MS systems, for ex. Agilent, Bruker, DPS, DANI, Pelkin Elmer, Shimadzu, and many others. Due to the customized interface are suitable for the elderly as well as the latest versions of chromatographs. Depending on the construction of the chromatograph are in configuration to the right or left-hand side. The use of the autosampler in chromatographic analysis significantly reduces…
View items...Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique which allows the identification of unknown compounds at a level below ppb detection. It can be used in applications such as monitoring VOC, monitoring of ambient air and indoor air, water and wastewater monitoring, monitoring of waste gases, and wide understood of identification of unknown substances.
View items...Gas generators are fixed or mobile devices dedicated for use in the laboratory for the produce of high-quality gas: nitrogen, hydrogen and air. Depending on the produced gas generators can be divided into: hydrogen generators, nitrogen generators, zero air generators and combined genarators (nitrogen-air generators and hydrogen-air generators). The benefits to use: a constant, uninterrupted gas supply of guaranteed purity eliminates interruptions of analyses to change cylinders and reduces the…
View items...A peristaltic pumps is used for pumping a variety of fluids, typically are used to pump clean/sterile or aggressive fluids because cross contamination with exposed pump components cannot occur. The fluid is contained within a flexible tube fitted inside a circular pump casing (though linear peristaltic pumps have been made). Laboratory peristaltic pumps depending on the function and pumped liquid can be divided into: Flow Rate Type peristaltic pump, Dispensing…
View items...Laboratory's homogenizers are suitable for mixing, dispersion, grinding and preparing a homogeneous mixture of the components, which normally do not mix with each other. Laboratory's mechanical homogenizers can be widely used in biotechnology m.in dispersible tissues, medical, cosmetic, petrochemical and mixing and homogenizing paints. Operation of ultrasonic homogenizers (sonicators) is based on the disintegration of the particles or cells contained in the slurry with ultrasound. Sonicators are used f. ex.…
View items...Laboratory incubators are devices designed to create and maintain controlled conditions such as temperature, humidity and the composition of the atmosphere. Laboratory incubators are used for plant breeding, to microbiological tests, etc. Most frequently encountered incubators are: microbiological incubators with natural air circulation, microbiological incubators with forced air, freezing incubators, incubators with shaking function, incubators with CO2 atmosphere.
View items...Colorimeters and spectrophotometers are optical devices for measuring color, enable the measurement of color difference between the model and the test sample. Colorimeters and spectrophotometers are used for quality control inter alia in the plastics industry, garment industry, printing, production of furniture and upholstery, and many others. All our models show the difference between the model and the test sample. The difference is based on measuring the difference between the…
View items...Light chambers are designed for visual determination of color in different lighting conditions. By using light sources having different color temperature, it is possible to compare the visual color samples and study the phenomenon of metamerism. Depending on the chamber may be provided with 4 to 6 light sources. Light chamber are designed to control the quality of different batches of material. We offer a light chamber: T60 (4) -…
View items...Viscometer is a measuring instrument for measuring the viscosity of liquids. One of the most commonly used laboratory viscometers are rotary viscometer, which are used for determining the coefficient of dynamic viscosity. The big advantage is the rotational viscometers wide scope, suitable for measuring liquids having a very low viscosity liquids and very high viscosity. Offered by us viscometers NDJ series, SNB and DV are equipped with LCD display parameters…
View items...Mechanical stirrer it's laboratory equipment consisting of an electric motor that drives the blades ended metal rod immersed in the mixed liquor. Laboratory mechanical stirrers are commonly used in industrial laboratories, research, cosmetic mixing and dispersing solid and liquid material, mixing at liquid-liquid system with different viscositiesl - from low to high. Mixers are available with different speed and advancement, equipped with a digital display or without display- depending on…
View items...Laboratory mills are mechanical devices designed to break and grind a solid material into smaller pieces. Grinding is used to finish work pieces that must show high surface quality and high accuracy of shape and dimension. There are many different types of grinding mills and many types of materials processed in them. Mills can be divided depending on the nature of the sample, the effect desired and the actual construction…
View items...Devices used to observe small objects, usually invisible to the naked eye or look at the subtle details of the small objects, but visible to the naked eye. The microscope allows you to look deeper into the microworld. Microscopy has made the first step towards the world of atoms. Working in Zurich scientists Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer developed a microscope STM. It allowed for the observation of structures composed…
View items...Vibrating sifters - sieve shakers are devices designed to sieve analysis to evaluate the bulk material in terms of the size fraction. The process of sifting is carried out by using sieves of different mesh size - grains smaller than the mesh pass through, while the larger grains remain on the sieve, thus permitting the clear separation of grains. Shakers of this type are used in the analysis of soil,…
View items...Refractometry is an analytical method based on the measurement of the refractive index (or index of refraction). Refractive index is a characteristic property of the substance, and its knowledge allows the identification of the substance or may be a criterion to assess its purity. On the basis of the refractive index we can determine the molar refraction, which is constant for a given compound. For measuring the refractive index we…
View items...Polarimeters are an optical instruments used for measuring the angle of rotation plane of polarization of light polarized through the solution of the test substance. One of the best known types of polarimeters is manual half shadow-circular polarimeter (model WXG-4), which allows clear determination of the polarization plane, measurement is done by setting the analyzer in such a way that the two halves of the wheel in the field of…
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