AAS spectrometer AAS6000

AAS spectrometer 6000 is a single beam atomic absorption spectrometer AAS in flame version. It is equipped with a computer controlled handle for 8 cathode lamps. All measurement parameters can be defined by input from the keyboard, eg .: number of lamps, lamp power supply current, the size of the high voltage, the selected wavelength, slit, the position of the burner, the ratio of the ignition / extinction to regulate combustion. The device features auto-gain, automatic zero setting, background correction, automatic energy compensation, automatic peak search, wavelength scanning, automatic peak search based on the value of the peaks. All readings, measurements, calibration curves and measurement conditions can be saved and / or printed.

AAS spectrometer can be used to measure the concentration in macro- micro- scale and determination of trace amounts of metals and semimetals in various types of substances. It is used in fields such as geology - the study of minerals, metallurgy - analysis of steel and non-ferrous metals, environmental testing of air, water quality, solid waste and sewage, petrochemical industry - examination of petroleum and related products, light industrial products, food and drug, test analysis of building materials, glass, ceramics, paints, etc.

Additional Info

Model: AAS 6000 atomic absorption spectrometer
Optical system: optics "all-reflective" Single beam spectrometer, optical path CT
Focal length of the monochromator: 350 mm, air compressor resistant to oil and water
Diffraction grating: 1800 scratches / mm
Wavelength range: 190 - 900 nm
Wavelength accuracy: ±0.1nm
Repeatability of wavelength: ±0.1nm
Width of the slit: 0.1nm, 0.2nm, 0.4nm, 0.7nm, 1.4nm
The noise level: 0.005 Abs(static); 0.006 Abs(Dynamic)
Baseline stability: 0.003 Abs / 0.5 h .; best performance
Number of lights in the handle: 8
Atomiser: flame
Autosampler: available as an option a disk autosampler for 145 items
Weight: 110 kg
Overall dimensions: 870 x 565 x 595 mm
Additional information: The standard configuration includes a central processing unit working in the flame technique, oil-free air compressor, 2 Cathode lamps, pressure gauge and peripheral equipment as well as a workstation PC with the software.

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