AAS spectrometer AAS9000

AAS spectrometer AAS9000 is a single beam atomic absorption spectrometer AAS with the atomization flame and graphite furnace. It combines two techniques of AAS by installing two atomizers, flame FAAS and GFAAS electrothermal. The main advantage of the graphite furnace technique is to increase the detection limits (no dilution of the sample by gas) and the fact that the entire sample is atomized at the same time. Graphite furnace system is integrated with burner flame, which provides full automation of the process. Software running on Windows, allows easy control of the device, record of the findings in Excel format allows convenient processing. It allows to carry out fully automated quantitative and qualitative analysis, calculation of the concentration of elements and automatically generate a report from the analysis.

Additional Info

Model: AAS 9000 atomic absorption spectrometer
Optical system: optics "all-reflective" Single beam spectrometer, optical path CT
Focal length of the monochromator: 350 mm, air compressor resistant to oil and water
Diffraction grating: 1800 scratches / mm
Wavelength range: 190 - 900 nm
Wavelength accuracy: ±0.25nm
Repeatability of wavelength: ±0.1nm
Width of the slit: 0.1nm, 0.2nm, 0.4nm, 0.7nm, 1.4nm
The noise level: 0.005 Abs(static); 0.006 Abs(Dynamic)
Baseline stability: 0.003 Abs / 0.5 h .; best performance
Number of lights in the handle: 8
Atomiser: flame and electrothermal
The temperature range of the furnace: Room temperature - 3 000 ° C
Autosampler: available as an option a disk autosampler for 145 items
Weight: 165 kg
Overall dimensions: 1296 x 565 x 532 mm
Additional information: The standard configuration includes a central processing unit working in the flame and graphite furnace technique, oil-free air compressor, 2 Cathode lamps, pressure gauge and peripheral equipment as well as a workstation PC with the software.

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