Spectrophotometer UV-2601

Spectrophotometer UV-2601 is a double beam UV-VIS spectrometer which combines high accuracy and reliability of measurements for various applications. It can be widely used for qualitative and quantitative analysis in such fields as biochemistry, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, education, environmental protection, food industry, clinical research, health services and anti-epidemiological studies.

The measurement results can be printed and sent to the computer via RS232 (RS485 and USB as an option). The parameter settings can be stored in memory for greater user convenience. Measurements can be done from the spectrophotometer level or with a PC. Spectrophotometer is equipped with an automatic feeder for 8 10mm cells.

Additional Info

Model: UV-2601 double beam UV-VIS spectrophotometer
Wavelength range: 190-1100 nm
Wavelength accuracy: +/- 0.3 nm
Repeatability of wavelength: 0.15 nm
Spectral bandwidth: 2 nm (5 nm, 4 nm, 1 nm, 0.5 nm, optionally available)
Detector: Silicon Photodiode
Light source: Halogen tungsten lamp, deuterium lamp
Monochromator: Double Beam
Photometric Accuracy: +/- 0.3% T (0-100% T), +/- 0.002 (0-1A)
Photometric Repeatability: ≤ 0.15% T
Scattered light: ≤0.1% T (Nal at 220nm, NaNO2 at 340nm)
Modes of operation: T, A, C, E
Stability: 0.001A / h (at 500nm after warming up)
Photometric range: -0.3 ~ 3.5A
Dimensions: 630 × 470 × 210mm
Weight: about 26 kg

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