Spectrophotometer UV-2100

Spectrophotometer UV-2100 is a double beam UV-VIS spectrophotometer with fully automated scanning system. It allows scanning variable wavelength (Wavelength scan). It is possible to scan measurement intervals in each range between 190-900 nm. Three scan speed: fast, with an average speed and slow with a minimum resolution of 0.04 nm. Has an advanced function for processing derivative spectrum, smoothing, peak search, zoom and overlapping spectra.

PC software is rich with analytical functions. Measurement performed at the selected wavelength. Has the ability to select up to 10 wavelengths to be measured at the same time. It can perform calculations between different wavelengths. Quantitative analysis: Method comparison with the standard, standard curve, the two wavelengths, three wavelengths, etc. Kinetic measurements: a choice of wavelengths and interval, calculations of activity.

Additional Info

Model: UV-2100 double beam scanning spectrophotometer with automatic control system
Wavelength range: 190-900 nm
Wavelength accuracy: +/- 0.3nm (0.15nm as an option)
Repeatability of wavelength: 0.15 nm
Spectral bandwidth: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 nm
Detector: photomultiplier
Light source: Halogen tungsten lamp, deuterium lamp
Monochromator: Double Beam
Photometric Accuracy: +/- 0.3% T (0-100% T), +/- 0.002 (0-0.5), +/- 0.004 (0.5-1)
Photometric Repeatability: 0.15% T
Scattered light: ≤0.05% T (Nal at 220nm)
Modes of operation: T, A, C, E
Stability: 0.0004 / h (at 500nm, after warming)
Photometric range: -0.3 ~ 4A
Dimensions: 670 × 470 × 210mm
Weight: about 45 kg
More in this category: « Spectrophotometer UV-2601

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