Spectrometer XRF EDX Pocket IV Genius

Handheld XRF spectrometer EDX-Pocket IV Genius of low weight and size and excellent performance measurement is suitable for both in field studies as well as in the laboratory stationary. XRF spectrometer Genius depending on the application module can be used as an analyzers for alloy composition, soil, precious metals, minerals and analyzers of hazardous substances. XRF analyzers can also be a great tool in areas such as determining the grade of ore, scrap metal analysis and recycling processes, etc. archaeological research.

XRF spectrometer Genius is equipped with the latest SDD detector with improved spectral resolution, HD camera, new improved analytical software using standard curves algorithms and FP. Optional helium system for performing detailed analysis of light elements XRF and improving the accuracy of the analysis of halides.

Genius XRF product line includes 4 analytical modules: RoHS analyzer Genius 3000XRF, alloy analyzer Genius 5000XRF, minerals analyzer Genius 7000XRF and heavy metals in soils analyzer Genius 9000XRF. Each of them has functions optimally adapting it to the working conditions, rapid identification of the test material and analysis for range of elements appropriate to the application. Measurement modules can be freely combined.

Additional Info

Model: EDX Pocket IV Genius - hand-held portable XRF spectrometer
Application: Science and Research, Industry, Geology, RoHS, Alloy analysis, Catalyst analysis
Detector: SDD
Energy resolution: approx. 139 eV
Measured elements: from Mg to U (light elements Mg - Ca optional using helium scrubber)
Measurement atmosphere: Air, Helium (optional)
Test time: from 3 to 100 seconds depending on the type and complexity of the sample matrixa
Tube power: 40kV
Power: Two 7800 mAh removable accumulators provides up to 8 hours of continuous operation + universal AC adapter (110 - 220 VAC) + car adapter.
Forms of samples: solid, powder and liquid
Weight: 1.9 kg (1.6 kg without accumulator)
Dimensions: 234 x 306 x 82mm
Additional informations: Standard configuration includes: built-in camera to locate the measuring point, built-in GPS and WiFi modules, rotating TFT LCD touchscreen. The spectrometer is supplied in a convenient waterproof carrying case.

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